Research Projects
2021 - now Research collaboration with the Division of Computer Engineering (University of Aizu)
Evolutionary algorithms for neuromorphic systems
2021 - now Research collaboration with the Chair of Integrated Systems (TU Munich)
Hardware Learning Classifier Tables (reinforcement learning) for self-adaptive mixed-critical applications (in collaboration with UC Irvine and TU Braunschweig)
Methodological developments of evolutionary algorithms
2021 - now Research mentor at TU Munich
Exploring hardware-acceleration of operating system functionalities, such as inter-process communication (MSc. Twardzik, Chair of Integrated Systems)
Game theoretic framework for safe autonomous systems (MSc. Grobelna, Chair for Theoretical Computer Science)
2016 - now Scientific collaborator of the CoDE-SMG department (ULB-EPB)
Development of a decision aiding methodology for finding consensus among multiple decision-makers and application with industrial partners (case studies from cities of Oslo and Brussels, in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
2021 - 2023 Safety of AI in autonomous systems (Fraunhofer IKS)
Dynamic risk management of autonomous systems using game theory
Adversarial attacks to uncover unsafe behavior of AI
Uncertainty estimation for safe autonomous systems (ICON LOPAAS project in collaboration with Fraunhofer IESE and the University of York)
Safety case for autonomous lane merging/changing manoeuvre using neural networks and reinforcement learning
Safety case for automated guided vehicles operating in shop floors
2018 - 2021 Post-doctoral Research Projects at TU Munich
AI-based methodologies for embedded (mixed-critical) systems
Fine-grained power modelling and prediction for multicore processors (DFG TCRC 89 “Invasive Computing”)
Genetic algorithm-based rule evolution of Hardware Learning Classifier Tables (reinforcement learning) for self-adaptive mixed-critical applications (in collaboration with UC Irvine and TU Braunschweig)
Design space exploration and decision-making for task mapping of a fault-tolerant hybrid TDM/packet-switched NoC with protection switching
Optimization for approximate computing applications
Multi-objective optimization and decision-making for approximate computing parameters of FPGA-based image processing in cameras (in collaboration with Arri and Smartray)
Design space exploration for parameters of compressed CNNs on embedded automotive multicore platforms (in collaboration with BMW)
Decision-making processes for computer resource management
Cache memory replacement policies using voting-based mechanisms (DFG TCRC 89 “Invasive Computing”)
Student and project supervision
Master thesis supervision (MSc. Çetinkaya) : “Machine Learning for Improved Commonality Optimization in Passive Crash Safety” (in collaboration with BMW)
Master thesis supervision (MSc. Shah): “Enhancing the Representability of Driving Profile Synthesis using Stochastic Optimization” (in collaboration with BMW)